Immigration Law Basics: What You Do And Don't Need To Do

If you are in this country on a visa or other immigration paperwork, you may worry about encounters with law enforcement, including immigration officials. It's natural to be nervous and worried when you're not sure what to expect. However, you can make the whole process an easier one when you are adequately prepared for what is to come. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you are ever stopped and questioned or if law enforcement comes to your door.

When Should You Hire An Immigration Lawyer?

If you are an immigrant in the United States, you may not know exactly what your rights are and where to even begin searching for what they are. Luckily, by hiring an immigration law professional like an immigration attorney, they can help represent you in certain scenarios to ensure that you get the best treatment possible. This article will list three potential scenarios in which you may want to hire an immigration attorney.

Learn What To Do When The Love Of Your Life Lives In Another Country

If you have fallen in love with someone from another country and want to marry them, there are certain steps that you must take in order to be able to bring them to the US legally. If the person comes to the states and does not follow the proper protocols, they could be deported and sent back to their country. The following guide walks you through a few things that you need to know about bringing someone to this country to be with you forever.

FAQs About The Marriage-Based Green Card Interview

One of the paths to legal status for immigrants is to marry a United States citizen. In addition to completing an application and background check, an interview has to be conducted with the immigrant and his or her spouse. The interview has a large impact on whether or not an application for citizenship is approved. If you and your spouse have an interview with a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officer, here is what you need to know.

Immigration Help For Same-Sex Couples

Same-sex couples have been fighting for equal immigration treatment for many years. Despite being married in a state which legally recognizes same-sex couples, bi-national individuals have still been threatened with deportation in the past. If you are hoping to bring your partner to live with you in the U.S. but you are worried the immigration process might be too challenging for same-sex couples, relying on the help of a knowledgeable attorney could be beneficial.